Starting a Practice

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    Starting a Solo Law Firm


    Starting a Solo Law Firm offers young lawyers a must-have desk reference book for building a law firm.  Lawyers should invest in their future!  Young lawyers worked hard in college and again in law school.  Now it is time to reap the rewards of the intensive legal training.  Earn the profits deserved.  Develop pride and earn respect from your peers.  Any lawyer who possesses a heartfelt desire to build a respected legal career, along with the vision and drive to succeed, should read and embrace the steps set forth in this book.

  • Schaller Bankruptcy Masterclass

    Bankruptcy Masterclass – Volume 1: Starting a Bankruptcy Practice


    Invest in your future!  Use this book to start building your own bankruptcy law firm. You worked hard in college and again in law school. Now it is time to reap the rewards of your intensive legal training. Earn the profits you deserve!  Develop pride in yourself and earn respect from your peers. If you possess a heartfelt desire to build a respected legal career, along with the vision and drive to succeed, then keep reading and embrace the steps set forth in this book.

    Separate chapters discuss capital requirements, banking mandates, office leasing, legal structures, tax implications, technology hardware, software, websites, bar associations, marketing, malpractice, insurance, and social media – Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube, and Google Ads.

    Rainmaker’s 17 Secrets to Legal Marketing & Advertising


    Every lawyer who wants to generate clients, build a book of business, and build a successful legal practice should read this book. Now, at last, the 17 secrets to legal marketing and legal advertising are revealed in one book. Lawyers new to marketing can learn first-hand from a seasoned lawyer how rainmakers earn an additional $28,427 thru referrals, direct mail, LinkedIn, YouTube, and Facebook.

    A lawyer who generates clients is called a “rainmaker.” A rainmaker understands this simple truth:

    Marketing = Clients = Profits = Success = Freedom