
Showing all 3 results

    Bankruptcy Marketing and Advertising


    Every lawyer who wants to generate clients, build a book of business, and build a successful bankruptcy practice should read this book. Now, at last, the secrets to legal marketing and legal advertising are revealed in one book. Learn how to generate clients through referrals, direct mail, brochures, content marketing,  LinkedIn, YouTube, Facebook.

    A rainmaker understands this simple truth: Marketing = Clients = Profits = Success = Freedom

    Without clients, a lawyer is relegated to associate status working for a rainmaker. This book teaches an associate to become a rainmaker so he/she can become the boss.

  • Schaller Bankruptcy Masterclass

    Bankruptcy Masterclass – Volume 2: Bankruptcy Marketing & Advertising


    Every lawyer who wants to generate bankruptcy clients, build a book of business, and build a successful bankruptcy practice should read this book. Now, at last, the secrets to legal marketing and legal advertising are revealed in one book. Learn how to generate clients through referrals, direct mail, brochures, content marketing,  LinkedIn, YouTube, Google Ads, and Facebook.

    A rainmaker understands this simple truth: Marketing = Clients = Profits = Success = Freedom

    Without clients, a lawyer is relegated to associate status working for a rainmaker. This book teaches an associate to become a rainmaker so he/she can become the boss.

    Demographics and market research are examined because they play a big role in legal marketing. A clear understanding of the target group is essential to effective marketing and eliminates unproductive marketing efforts and squandering of limited marketing resources.

    Rainmaker’s 17 Secrets to Legal Marketing & Advertising


    Every lawyer who wants to generate clients, build a book of business, and build a successful legal practice should read this book. Now, at last, the 17 secrets to legal marketing and legal advertising are revealed in one book. Lawyers new to marketing can learn first-hand from a seasoned lawyer how rainmakers earn an additional $28,427 thru referrals, direct mail, LinkedIn, YouTube, and Facebook.

    A lawyer who generates clients is called a “rainmaker.” A rainmaker understands this simple truth:

    Marketing = Clients = Profits = Success = Freedom